April 26, 2011

Shaved Asparagus Pizza

I'm really trying to get back to bringing you food-related posts on Tuesdays. I missed a few weeks because things got REALLY hectic for me but trust me, I've been doing some serious cookin' in my spare time which means I have a few posts lined up for you! First, I'm going to talk about a pizza I made a few weeks ago.

I loveee asparagus and have a weak spot for most recipes that include those little green stalks of joy. Thus, when I found this recipe for Shaved Asparagus Pizza on Smitten Kitchen, I knew I had to give it a try.

It's REALLY simple to make and takes less than 15 minutes from start to finish but you'd never guess that from the taste. It's really light and fresh. I made it for my friend Kristina while she was in town and we both agreed that even the raw shaved asparagus was delicious on its own (We ended up using the extra asparagus as a side the next night for dinner).
Shaved Asparagus Pizza

Shaved Asparagus Pizza
I give this recipe a hugee thumbs up.

Give it a try!


1 notes:


I never had asparagus on a pizza, but it sounds (and looks) delicious :)

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