January 7, 2010

So.... Peace, pass it on :)

I have pink eye.

A virus I once thought only affected (effected?) infants/children has taken residence in not one, but BOTH of my eyes. It really is yucky... But, I went to the doctor this morning and I got some drops for them and they are already feeling much better (although they are EXTREMELY dry because of the medicine... booo). Anyways, it has been really nice taking a bit of a break from my blog. I know I haven't really posted enough to deserve a break, but I feel like I have been going a little crazy recently!

In my time off I accomplished a couple big things!
1) I finished the second book towards my 50 book goal :). Congratulations Me, I'm so proud of you haha. I love reading so much so I decided that after each book I read towards this goal, I'll share a little about it and hopefully you can read/enjoy it too!

Beautiful Boy is a fantastic book. There were some parts that were a little dry, a lot of facts about drug use, rehabilitation statistics, and the like. But these parts are few and far between. The rest of the book is a fantastically heart wrenching tale of addiction seen through a father's eyes. The book is full of 5 dollar words (which I love) and really colorful descriptions. So get to it! Start reading!

2) I knit half of my very first tuke. It's SO SO SO SO SO CUTE. I cannot wait for it to be finished, here is a picture of what I've done so far. I bought a bunch of extra yarn and I'm going to knit a bunch of them and put them up in my etsy shop (seriously, I'm knocking these goals out so quickly!)

3) I've been keeping up with my hopes of exercising at least three times a week. The weather here is fantastic and I've been hiking/running every other day. I took a picture for Janel's pass on the peace giveaway while I was on my hike because it is the place where I feel the most at peace. If you'd like to enter the giveaway yourself, find Janel's blog here.

and....in honor of my pink eye. A little peaceful pink eye picture :)

I hope you all have been doing well :)

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