May 25, 2010

Shop Talk

(one of the few reasons I like the country. super cute pictures like this)

For my last day in Chicago, my lovely roomie (and three of her wonderful cousins) and I went shopping. Sounds like my idea of a good time :). I spent WAY too much money but I only bought sale items (except for ONE cardigan...shame shame Malori) and I think I definitely got a lot of bang for my buck. Yes, I just used that phrase. I can't wait to share outfit photos with you of some of the goodies I scored today.

In other news, I feel like my summer has officially begun. I went to a fun party (of the birthday variety), shopped, and enjoyed an excursion to the beach. That's what makes summer...right? This week is devoted to building the inventory for my store. I closed it for a while and right now, I'm hoping to have a grand re-opening on September 1st, just in time for fall and back to school fun.

As for plans for the blog, I have about a billion. As always, you can show your support by putting one of my buttons on the sidebar of your blog. As soon as I get to 100 followers I'm going to host a sweeeeet giveaway, so if you aren't an official follower yet, hop to it! Also, later this week I'm going to post a mini-giveaway for a sweet little knit hair flower. Perfect for summer!

This has been quite an informational post, I apologize for that! I just like to give you an occasional update on the behind the scenes stuff :). I'll be back tomorrow, posting from Ohio once again!


Image found on weheartit

1 notes:


how can i go about buying one of your adorable knit flowers?!

Designed by Steven Andrew.