August 29, 2011

Weekend Update

This weekend was a good one :). I only have one weekend left until school starts again so I'm really trying to make them count!! Here's what I did...

Brock's dorm room
(boy dorm rooms...)

I worked most of the day at Benetton and came home feeling stressed and a little sad (fact, I cried on the phone with my mom while walking home). I think I was probably just tired and nervous for my schedule with school starting so soon so I decided to take it easy. I filled up my tub with tons of bubbles and warm water, threw on some Jamie Cullum, lit a candle, and poured myself a glass of wine. It. Was. Wonderful. Definitely what I needed to feel better.

I got up bright and early and crossed a few to-do's off of my giant list then headed in to work for a few hours. After work, I bought some delicious dinner at Whole Foods and came home to cook it up (I'll give that meal its own post). My big brother asked if I wanted to visit him to watch the UFC fight so I threw some things in a bag and ran to hop on a train to see him. The fight was AWESOME (Anderson Silva is my boy) and I had a really nice time with my brother and his friends. We finished the night off with some How I Met Your Mother and homemade cookies.

I slept in because I didn't have anything planned for the day. When Brock woke up, we went and got breakfast in his school's cafeteria (which serves the most delicious things) and ate with his girlfriend and her friend. Then we ran to the store to grab some vino and he dropped me off at the train station. When I finally got home I was feeling pretty stressed again (yikes! I need to calm it down) so I cleaned my apartment and made another giant dinner. Cooking almost always calms me down :). The rest of the night was spent reading blogs and catching up with friends from home. A great Sunday if you ask me!

So friends, how did you spend your weekend?


4 notes:


Hope you're feeling a bit less - stressed today! :).

Sounds like a pretty great weekend, though!

I explored the woods on Saturday morning with my boy, and then did some shopping. Yesterday, I spent at home cleaning and relaxing!

Happy Monday!


I also hope your day today was less stressful!
Over the weekend I shot some photos of a friend and her cousin at a provincial park in the area. I'll be posting some soon, but I do have a lot to catch up on my blog.
P.s did i tell you everything is booked for chicago! we're there sept 7-12, if you are free at all on the thurs or fri, it would be fun to meet :)

Sandy a la Mode

awww sorry you were so stressed!! good luck getting back into the groove of going to schooL!!


Ashley-- your weekend sounds wonderful. Were you just exploring the woods for fun or did you have goal in mind? Either way that sounds wonderful!

Mel-- That's my first week of school!! As soon as I know my work schedule I'll send you an email. I'd love to meet up if I can :)

Sandy a la Mode-- Thank you so much :). Things are already lookin' brighter!

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