September 29, 2011

Just a quick advertising update!

I'm bringing it back people! FREE SPONSORSHIPS ON SUNDAY MORNING SUGAR! Read on for details :).

Each month I'm going to have a group of bloggers or shops promoted on my sidebar. I am not going to charge for the spaces. Instead, if you would like to be featured on Sunday Morning Sugar for a month, fill out the following questions and submit them to me

1) Your name, your blog/shop's name, and your links

2) Why you think you should be (or why you want to be) featured on Sunday Morning Sugar?

3) *OPTIONAL* Something interesting/exciting that sets you apart from other applicants :). I like to learn a little bit about my sponsors so this is just a fun question!

As far as the statistics for Sunday Morning Sugar go...

-In the past month I have received 3,500 page views. This number is raising quickly!
-I have 225 followers on google reader and a handfull of followers using other "readers" like Blog Lovin'.
-Most of my readers are in the U.S. but I have visitors from all over the world including Canada, the U.K., Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, and Mexico.
-I generally post once a day and I try to take the day off on Friday doesn't always work that way. I post an average of 7 times a week :).
(last updated on September 29th)

I can't wait to hear from you :). I've gotten great feedback from past sponsors.

I am now accepting applications for October. Only FIVE spots are open this month so if you're interested, email me quickly!! Please e-mail me with the questionnaire to be considered for sponsorship!

1 notes:

Sharmaine Ruth

Oh wow this sounds like an awesome opportunity for all us little new bloggers:)

Designed by Steven Andrew.