February 20, 2012

Craving Color

I had a blast with my last fashion post so I wanted to do another! I have gotten so sick and tired of wearing black all winter and I'm DYING to introduce some color into my wardrobe. This is VERY foreign to me. Generally I accessorize my black with a colorful scarf or some bright tights but the color I want right now is very different than that. I want head to toe color, mixed patterns, and more than one color per outfit.

I want to give myself a little challenge so for the next week and I'm going to invite you all to join me. Every day I want to challenge myself to wear at least three different colors in my outfits. I'm determined to photograph and share all of my outfits with you and I want you all to join me! Even if all you've got are cell-phone pictures or macbook images!

Living in Color

See you all next Monday is your colors!!


*NOTE: The background of my image is from Honey & Bloom. Their work is AMAZING and you should absolutely support them!!

1 notes:

Ngaio Emery

Sounds awesome!! I am one of those people who constantly wear colour, possibly too much. I have only just started wearing black!

I will hopefully be joining you, it might be late as I am starting Uni again on Monday but we will see how it goes!! :)

Ngaio May xx

Designed by Steven Andrew.