May 7, 2012


Every year my college throws a giant street festival called Manifest. It's full of great art, performances, freebies, and some of the most colorful people you'll ever meet. I've never been able to go before (freshman year I had strep throat and was dying, sophomore year I was already in phoenix and now I'm graduating as a junior!) so I made it a point to go. Turns out Manifest is pretty kick-ass.

I have no idea what was going on with this half-mustached man/woman. It was odd... My roommate and I just stopped long enough to snap a few pictures.


Speaking of roommates...


They were handing out buttons so you could identify yourself. I was a graduate and a friend and my roomie was a student/friend. Everyone wanted the "friend" buttons :).


We got to see my friend Ben play with his band, Missed Connections. They were wonderful--I had a great time listening to them! If you look closely you can see his head sticking up behind the drums.


All in all I'd say it was quite a fun day.



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