March 3, 2011


DAY NINE: Bullet your whole day


7:30 a.m. wake up, make breakfast, get ready for school, read some blogs

8:30 a.m. hop on the train or walk to class

9:00 a.m. class

12:00 p.m. snag some lunch, change shoes, head to work

7:00 p.m. head home from work

7:15 p.m. make some dinner or eat some leftovers, do some reading for class

8:00 p.m. eat some chocolate, clean up from dinner, do some more homework

9:30 or 10:00 p.m. get in bed, either keep reading for class, read a book for fun, or watch an episode of something on netflix.

10:30 p.m. TRY to go to bed so I can still function tomorrow...but usually...

11:30 p.m. Actually go to sleep

My days are busy! Days when I have less work I try to squeeze in some gym time and when I'm feeling exhausted I watch more tv and do less homework.

What's a typical day look like for you? Should I do another "typical day" post except just show you photos of my daily activities? I think it could be cool :).

I'd also like to say that wraps up my 20 day challenge. It only took me like three months to get through it! Ha! I'll do better next time :).


1 notes:


I liked this post and I think it'd be really cool in pictures! Also your days sound so busy!

you inspired me to do a similar post! check it out here:

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