April 2, 2011


First things first, I want to say THANK YOU to all of you who commented on my last post. You are all so wonderful and supportive :). It's so nice to know you have cheerleaders out there on your side. Rest assured, I'll keep you up-to-date with all things graduation and future related. You are all so good to me.

Next, I wanted to say how BUSY I've been this week. Going from a vacation to your regular schedule is always somewhat taxing. I have school Monday through Thursday and I worked Wednesday through today so I only get one day off to get my homework finished up for next week. I'll be really excited to be done with school so that I don't have to juggle class and work anymore. All the stress and I'm still POOR haha so the paycheck from a real job will be welcome as well.

I don't usually post on Saturday's (or at least I'm REALLY trying not to) so I just wanted to pop in to say hello. I'm off to get my homework finished and watch Monsters Inc.


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