July 6, 2011

Oh, Joy

It is not nearly often enough that we count our blessings. I've struggled with depression for as long as I can remember so I often focus on the negative rather than the positive. I also think there is a bit of taboo about sharing joy in our society. By talking about the things that make me happy, it may come off as bragging or narcissism. I think my eyes are just gorgeous, but saying that out loud is a big no-no. I think that's silly. I am glowing with happiness right now so I figured I'd capitalize on my great mood and tell you all about my life. I'm literally going to list the top ten factors in my life that bring a smile to my face when I wake up in the morning. I want to invite all of you to do the same thing! If you're a blogger, share your link in the comments. If you aren't a blogger, send me an email with your list of joy.


1. My internship. Challenging, rewarding, wonderful.
2. Cooking. Creating something that is healthy and fabulous all in my tiny apartment kitchen.
3. The fact that I actually live in the heart of Chicago. I dreamed about this ever since I first visited and now I'm living my dream. What better reason to be joyful?!
4. I am graduating a year early from college.
5. I have some amazing friends; pure gold.
6. My parents support me, both financially and emotionally. I know that this is a huge sacrifice for them and I never take it for granted.
7. I'm really loving my new blonder hair. Blondes have more fun...right? ;)
8. Redecorating my apartment!! I LOVE THIS!
9. My older brother telling me I'm hilarious (maybe not in those exact words...)
10. Boys who call me "darling". Makes my whole world brighter!!

I know a lot of my joyful things are silly, but they bring a giant smile to my face and that's enough!! So what are your top ten? It can be ANYTHING! I can't wait to hear.


Something else that brings me joy is blogging. I absolutely love hearing from all of you and writing in this space every day. To show my appreciation, I'm gearing up for a huge giveaway. I'm two followers away from 200 with google reader and my goal for this year was to hit 250 total (some of you are on blog lovin'). When I hit 250 (between google reader & blog lovin') I'll host my giveaway! Anyways, I want to thank you all for being so fabulous and let you know that I plan to spoil you a little bit for being so great :).

6 notes:

Windsor Grace

I'm going to have it posted tomorrow @ knitinpublic.com. This is a great idea!


Can't wait to read it!

Hope M.

That is a fabulous idea!
But I LOVE that flower picture! Love it!! If that is yours, you should post more of your photography! It makes me want to sketch it!
(That was a lot of exclamation points!)

Hope :D


It is my picture :). You are so sweet, I'm blushing!! Thank youuu


great post!
i didn't realize you live in chicago. my boyfriend and i are planning to go in august - would love to know of good places to check out, if you have any advice :)


Mel!! I have about a million food suggestions if you'd like them :). What's your email address?

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