December 22, 2010

My Closest Friends

DAY TWO: Write about your closest friends
Oh man, this is a loaded question huh? I'm going to talk about them in the order I met them :). I'd also like to note that I will never be forgiven for some of the pictures I'm about to post. I'm not even sorry.

Ha! Awkward phase!
We met in PRESCHOOL bitchessss. We've played barbies, had countless sleepovers, made zillions of cellphones out of notebook paper, sang along to hundreds of spice girls songs (SAW THEM LIVE TOO!), and fast-forward to today when we still get together as often as possible. She's absolutely hilarious and genuinely wonderful. I love her so much and I'm so happy we've been friends for so long. 16 years to be exact :).


We go way back as well! I think we've been friends for about 14 years? We've had out little tiffs but I'm happy to say we still keep in touch and see each other whenever possible (maybe over SPRING BREAK IN CHICAGO!?). Katie is also hilarious. Most of my memories with her involve really obnoxious laughter. We live far far away from each other now but we still write each other letters and keep in touch.



We've been friends for about 10 years I think. We met in dance then spent high school doing everything together. I've been on more vacations with this girl than my own family I think ;). Through missions trips with our church, speech and debate, dance, school, and just being awesome friends we've spent the better part of these past ten years giggling and making memories. I love when she visits me in Chicago and when I go to see her in Indiana. I'm SO happy we chose to go to college somewhat close to each other. She's an amazing friend and I'm lucky to have her. (Bonus points! The reason I know someone farther down on the list is because of her!)

I met Ariel through church. I was afraid of her at first because she was SUPER outgoing and looked a little crazed. I would feel like an ass for writing this about her but I've told her many times. We all had an awkward phase people. No need to pretend like it didn't exist! Ariel and I share a love for great books and Starbucks dates. We also spent a lot of time watching How I Met Your Mother and eating chipwiches in high school. Good times good times.

Morgan is my grown-up friend :). She teaches hooligan middle schoolers full time and uses her spare time to be hilarious and awesome. True story. I met Morgan in church way back in the day and didn't really start spending a lot of time with her till I graduated and moved which I just realized. That's sort of silly! Anyways, Morgan and I can talk books for days. We also share a love for good beer, delicious food, and The Office.


Seanzies is Kristina's boyfriend. He's also one of the most wonderful people I've ever met. He's extremely caring and will go out of his way to do nice things for the people he loves. For example, my senior year of high school he drove all the way home from college to spend my birthday with me. See? Great friend. He's really clumsy and a little flighty so spending time with him is always entertaining. He's also a champ in the kitchen (no kidding. This kid can make a mean dessert!) and one of my best friends in the world. I guess I have Kristina to thank for this one :).

(Freshman Orientation)

Roooooommmaaatttteeeee. We've only known each other for a year and a half but she's pretty wonderful. We met on a random street corner in Chicago and ended up living together (that's actually a long story that I just condensed like crazy) as baby freshman in college. Last year we watched about a million episodes of Friends and talked about everything from Jesus to whether or not nerd glasses were cool (we decided they were). Even though we won't be roommates again next year, she'll still be one of my best friends.

This crazy kid lived down the hall from me last year. I had a huge crush on him when I first met him but after we hung out a few times I realized we were much better suited as friends. He is extremely outgoing, has the tenacity of a tiger, and can make me laugh like few people I know. He also has a way of NOT mincing words AT ALL. It's ridiculously funny the way he goes about saying things. I love this boy. I don't think he'll be back at Columbia next semester so I'll have to buy a plane ticket to his new school so I can continue to harass him.


Soheil's roommate. We didn't really start hanging out until second semester of last year, but if you've been following my blog you'll know that we've had some great adventures! He's introduced me to countless rock bands from the 70's (because my taste in music is horrendous, apparently...), explored new parts of Chicago with me, eaten a lot of great food (both home made and in restaurants) and dragged me all the way to Flint, Michigan to see the Grand Funk Railroad. I've had a lot of good times with this one and I hope he stays around another few years so we can keep discovering Chicago!

One of Megan's oldest friends! I met Eric last year in my dorm room one day when I came home from shopping. I walked in and he was in my kitchen wearing my apron. Needless to say we've been friends ever since.

Oh dear! I feel like I'm in middle school choosing my top 8 on myspace again. STRESSFUL! I have a lot of wonderful people in my life who share the good times with me and stick around during the bad times to pick up the pieces. The ones I listed are just a few. Maybe getting to know my friends a bit better is the same as getting to know me a bit better?


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