January 2, 2012

2011 in review: January - March

This week is dedicated to a celebration of the new year. Today through Thursday I'll be doing a recap of 2011 and on Friday I have a post about my goals for this coming year. If you left me a link to your survey from yesterday I checked out your posts. I loved all of your sweet comments and got irrationally excited that most of you watch the same TV shows and read the same books as me. You guys are the best.

So without further adieu, let's look back at the first three months of last year!!


mom and I
I had a really relaxed start to my year last year. While I was still on vacation I made some tamales at a family friend's home and celebrated my little brother's 15th birthday. I headed back to Chicago to work for a bit before school started and even worked up the energy to go out with my friends a bit.

On the blog in February I hosted a month of love. I had a great time and had some wonderful guest posts to help me celebrate. In my real life, I spent time in Lake Forest with my brother (grilling before the Superbowl), got some yummmmy burgers for Valentines day, and explored the Field Museum. I also got the chance to visit two of my best friends in Indiana.

In March I celebrated St. Patrick's day with the rest of the green crowd in Chicago. I got to see lots of people because my friend Katie visited me, then my mom was in town, and I got a chance to watch one of my brother's Rugby games in Lake Forest. March was a really eventful month for me!

Tomorrow I'll be back with April, May, and June :). I hope you all have a wonderful evening!


2 notes:


You look so pretty with brown hair! I can't wait to read about the rest of your year! xo, rv



Oh you're so sweet :)!

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